The creation of Android apps has been expanding for some time, resulting from Android overtaking Apple as the most widely used smartphone operating system worldwide. Many organizations are still determining which programming language to use in light of the recent increase in demand for mobile apps.

Kotlin and Java are the only technologies that come to mind when anyone mentions developing Android apps. Kotlin and Java are excellent and well-liked programming languages, primarily renowned for their top-notch features, functionalities, and capacity to create ideal Android applications.

To design any mobile application, we can’t utilize many languages, so it’s highly vital to identify which one will be best among Kotlin vs Java. So let’s have a glimpse at the benefits & drawbacks of both languages and what makes them superior for particular types of mobile app development languages.

What is Java?

Java is an easy-to-learn, strong, and reliable object-oriented programming language that can create and manage Android apps, web apps, server apps, embedded systems, big data applications, and more. The majority of Java features are open source.

What is Kotlin?

Originally intended to increase the effectiveness of Java code. Its official programming language, Kotlin, was created. Kotlin was made available as a Java alternative for mobile development with Google’s help.

Kotlin is a Java virtual machine and browser-compatible statically typed programming language that can be turned into JavaScript. An Android developer can utilize an IDE with Kotlin or Kotlin Native to create cross-platform applications.

Java vs Kotlin comparison

The critical comparisons between the two mobile app development languages are as follows:


Compared to Java, Kotlin is significantly easier to use and learn, and it also includes a good selection of tools, IDEs, and tutorials that simplify developing mobile applications. However, if you choose Kotlin developers to create the application, they will complete your project quickly because they are experts at using Kotlin as a mobile app development language.


Java is a sophisticated language that performs exceptionally well. In contrast, Kotlin outperforms Java for Android development thanks to its usage of immutability, properties, and complete Java compatibility.


Although Kotlin is a more recent language, it has quickly become one of the most popular options for creating Android apps. In addition, Kotlin is supported by Google, which guarantees that it will gain more support and advance over time. However, if we discuss the present, Java would be more popular than Kotlin.

Development across Platforms

Java is constrained by its usage of bytecode, which can only be compiled for one platform at a time, but Kotlin offers the ability to cross-compile and run on several platforms. There are numerous circumstances in mobile app development languages where developers must produce Android, iOS apps, or Windows versions.

Advanced Libraries

There are several libraries, frameworks, and tools for Android development that are compatible with Java. With the advent of newer libraries like KTX and Coroutines, Kotlin is beginning to catch up, but there is still some catching up to do in this area.


The fact that they are less scalable than languages like Java or C++ is a drawback. This causes the application to occasionally bloat and hurt performance, especially on older gadgets like Android phones. Kotlin’s design emphasizes scalability, which enhances an app’s performance by minimizing bloat. Therefore, concentrate on Kotlin mobile app development language if you’re looking for a scalable solution.

Community Assistance

Compared to Java, which has been around for a while, Kotlin is a relatively recent programming language. Since more developers and specialists are available to speak with while using Kotlin than Java, it has recently become the platform of choice for many companies.

Which is better for mobile app development language: Java or Kotlin?

Both languages are superb and provide several advantages, making them great options for creating cutting-edge mobile applications. However, if you’re comparing Java vs Kotlin in more detail, there are some app categories where one might perform better than the other.

Java is better for:

Large programs must run on many platforms, including Android, iOS apps, Windows, and Linux, and have tons of features and capabilities. Java has established libraries that make constructing this application easy.

Kotlin is better for:

Apps that need to function well on older Android phones or those used for photo editing are examples of those where performance is important. Kotlin will perform better in these circumstances than Java because of its more streamlined and influential architecture, especially when the scale is an issue.

Apps must remain platform-independent and be cross-compiled for both Android and other platforms. Due to the usage of bytecode, which can only compile code for one specific platform at a time, Kotlin can execute these tasks, but Java cannot.

Final Thoughts

Which one is, therefore, superior, and should you utilize it? What you require will determine the response to that inquiry. Kotlin may be the ideal option if you’re seeking a language with strong Google support because Android Studio 3 now supports Kotlin development. On the other hand, Java can be the best choice if you require speed or want an open-source project with more freedom (particularly in terms of third-party libraries).

Hire technology-specific professionals from Kotlin and Java Integrated IT Solutions, an app development agency, to use Kotlin and Java mobile app development language effectively. You can create powerful, feature-rich Android applications by doing this.


What are the performance considerations when choosing between Kotlin and Java?

Both languages are optimized for performance on Android. However, Kotlin has some additional features like inline functions and coroutines. So, they can lead to more efficient code execution in certain scenarios.

How does the support for libraries and frameworks compare between Kotlin and Java?

Java has a larger collection of libraries and frameworks due to its longevity. However, Kotlin is quickly catching up and offers modern libraries like KTX and Coroutines. These are designed to work seamlessly with existing Java libraries.

In terms of scalability, how do Kotlin and Java compare?

Kotlin is designed with scalability in mind, often providing more efficient performance on a wider range of devices, including older Android devices. Java is scalable too but can sometimes lead to heavier apps, which may affect performance on less powerful devices.

How does the choice between Kotlin and Java impact the digital marketing of an app?

The programming language can indirectly affect app marketing through factors like development speed, app performance, and user experience. Kotlin often allows for faster development cycles and enhanced features, which can be leveraged in marketing campaigns to highlight app efficiency and modernity.

What about the availability of libraries and frameworks for Kotlin and Java?

Java has a vast ecosystem with a plethora of libraries and frameworks available for use in Android development. Kotlin, while newer, has a rapidly growing set of libraries and tools, including modern ones like KTX for Android and Coroutines for asynchronous programming.